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HomeHow-ToHow to sign up for Twitter and create a new account? (2021)

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How to sign up for Twitter and create a new account? (2021)

How to sign up for Twitter, is an exciting topic for you, if you’re new because you are going to land in a digital world soon.

First of all, read the content of the article. You will get an idea of what we have in this article for you.


We all are connected with each other. You will get news from any part of the world. Do you know? How does it happen?

It happens due to progress in technology. Actually, it bounds us. Remember your daily activities, you spend more than 80% of your day on using mobile. Mostly, we use social media all day.

We are going to introduce an interesting app. It is Twitter. Twitter is the most used app in the world. You know that it provides the info all over the world. Every famous person has a Twitter account. They remain active. They tweet and inform us about their recent activities.

Do not you have a twitter account? No worries. Let’s start. We are just here for helping you to sign up a twitter account.

How to sign up for Twitter?

Now, we are going to sign up for Twitter. You are just 5 steps far from your personal Twitter account. Follow all the steps carefully.

1. Go to the Twitter” and click on the sign-up option. A new tab opens. This tab needs your little information like:

  • Your user name
  • Email address or Phone number
  • Date of birth
sign up for Twitter

Enter this information carefully.

2. The second step is about your ad preferences. Twitter will share ads depending on your offline and online activities. You can read about Twitter terms and conditions for a better understanding. Choose it according to your taste. Do not worry. You can change this setting at any time.


3. The third step is very important. Twitter will give you a chance to review your previous information. If all is okay, click on the signup option.

Image Credit: Google Search

4. The fourth step is verification. Remember, you entered an email or phone number. Twitter will send a password on your phone or email address. Enter this code to your sign-up tab.

5. Finally, we are just about done. The last step is about your security. Twitter will ask you to create your password. Set your secret password. Be noted. Password must be 6 characters long. 

Now, We have a twitter account. Now we suggest you to remain active on twitter.

Be updated!

Choose your username wisely


The highlighted words @ha_byte is our twitter username!

We know you were not expecting this topic here. We want to make you realize the importance of a username.

Username is just like your brand identity. You have to set it professionally. Stop here. Think of a creative and professional name for your Twitter account.

If you are a brand ambassador, choose one that exhibits your brand. If you are here individually, choose a decent name.

Do not use just 4682 numbers. Try to play with characters. Be aware. Your username should not be longer than 15 characters.

You can also observe other user names. But the ideal username is short.

Set up your twitter account

Open your Twitter account. Go to settings and set up your account manually. It includes your profile picture, education, job details, and so on.

You can check this article on how to set up your Twitter account.

Learn the Twitter Termanology

At this time, we will talk about Twitter Termanology.

It is not just about learning. It also makes you well aware of Twitter. So, take a few seconds and read about Twitter Termanology.

  • Twitter followers:
    • Your fellows on Twitter are Twitter followers. They can see your tweets.
  • Tweet:
    • A tweet is a story or news or any update. You can tweet up to 280 characters.
  • Retweet:
    • When you reply to any tweet, or you share any other’s tweet with your comment, it is called a retweet.
  • Trending topic:
    • These are hot topics. You can say trending topics have more tweets and comments on Twitter.
  • Hashtags#:
    • Hashtags are the words with “#”. You can make a hashtag by just writing words without spellings. Here’s an example, “#habytes”.
  • Un-followers
    • The persons you do not follow are un-followers. All others who block or unfollow you are also un-followers.
  • Twitter verified account:
    • These are the verified accounts with blue badges. The below image is an example.
verified Twitter Account
Image Source: Google Search

You will enjoy twitter if you know its terminology.

Tips for new users

We have some useful tips for new users of twitter.

  • Be active.
  • Follow accounts of your preference.
  • Follow topics according to your personal or professional needs.
  • Customize your account properly.
  • Update your profile with the passage of time.
  • Don’t be shy. Follow others and let others follow you.

We are hopeful that this information is highly beneficial to you.

How to Create and set up your Twitter account? (Video)

Video Source


We started with the title of How to sign up for a Twitter account. We cannot deny the importance of technology nowadays. Twitter is just like a pearl in the technological world. We all want to become a part of this international platform.

Further Reading: How to create a new Facebook account ( step by step)

Many people do not have a Twitter account. Why? Because they do not know how to create a Twitter account. That’s why we wrote this article. We gathered the above tips and tricks for new users from authentic sources.

You can create a new Twitter account just in five steps. You need a username, email/phone, or date of birth. The other steps are about verification. We humbly request you to follow all the steps carefully to sign up. After this, personalize your account.

We hope you did like our guide, never forget to provide your positive feedback below.

HA Staff
HA Staff
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